Strengthening Student-to-Student Discussions in the Classroom
Two live sessions on June 17th and 18th: 8:30-12:30 each day
Registration Coming Soon
EPF for teaching has partnered with the California Collaborative on Educational Excellence to bring you a two-session virtual professional learning opportunity this summer. This professional learning experience will help you to strengthen student-student discussions in all content areas, facilitate acquisition of the academic language students need to engage in discussion, foster metacognition so your students become more strategic learners, and monitor and guide discussion activities. All of the instructional practices we share are research-based and proven to impact student learning. During each, four-hour session you will analyze videos of classroom instruction using a set of teaching frames, explore an instructional tool kit designed to elevate instruction, experience instructional strategies you can immediately put to use in your classroom, and engage in multiple structured activities with peers. You will receive PDF classroom posters, a